Τρίτη, Ιουλίου 18, 2006

European Region of the Humanist International

Position and proposals following events in Palestine and Israel

Following the latest outbursts of violence in the Middle East, the European Region of the Humanist International declares:

Humanists reject the violence that both sides in this conflict are applying; a conflict that that has already gone on for so many years and cost so much human life.

In particular we denounce the invasion by Israeli armed forces into Gaza and Lebanon. This aggression is directed not only to armed groups, but also to the Palestinian and Lebanese people in general who live in this territory, because of which we demand the immediate withdrawal of Is-raeli troops from the occupied territories.

Equally we denounce the Hizbollah and Hamas attacks against the people of Israel and demand the immediate liberation of the young Israeli prisoners held by these armed groups.

There is no justification for terrorist attacks against a civil population, be they of Is-raeli or Palestinian origin. All the factions involved are blindly following the irrational logic of violence, feeling that they have the right to kill others, in an endless spiral of revenge. With this they clearly show humanity their anti-humanist face.

We repeat once more that violence forms part of human pre-history and is totally op-posed to the desires of the large majority of the global population.

To emerge from the spiral of violence, we propose that firstly all those who are invading territories should immediately withdraw and implement the resolutions and recommendations of the United Nations. This includes Israel having to destroy the wall that has been described by the UN as “contrary to international law”. Secondly, we propose the creation of a military force under the control of the UN that will estab-lish corridors to protect both peoples. Thirdly, we propose that a process of recon-ciliation is started that covers the issue of responsibility, with the victims and perpe-trators on both sides. We propose the establishment of a “Tribunal for Truth and Rec-onciliation” where justice is carried out, but this justice does not mean to inflict suffer-ing on the witnesses, but rather that the suffering ceases as much for the victims as for those responsible. Finally, we request the total nuclear disarmament of Israel as we do all countries in possession of nuclear arms as an international priority.

The future of humanity cannot be based in the self-affirmation of one people against another. The process of humanity is going towards the creation of a Universal Human Nation in which will come together the diversity of humanity in a common direction of overcoming pain and suffering in individuals and peoples.

We particularly want this message to reach the youth of Palestine and Israel so that they can share with us a non-violent revolution.

16th July 2006

Ενημέρωση 18/07/2006

2 σχόλια:

Filboid Studge είπε...

Ροδιά, διαπιστώνω με πικρία ότι όσα απίστευτα συμβαίνουν στην Μέση Ανατολή αγγίζουν πολύ λίγους εκ των Ελλήνων Bloggers.
Προτείνω την δημοσίευση post με σύνθημα το μποϋκοτάζ αμερικανικών προϊόντων ευρείας κατανάλωσης.
Θα συμπράξεις;

Rodia είπε...

Το μούδιασμα (όλων και όχι μονάχα των μπλόγκερς) νομίζω ότι προέρχεται από την κοντινή απόσταση -ο χώρος βρίσκεται πολύ κοντά μας. Και η Σερβία πιο κοντά μας είναι, αλλά εκεί φαινόταν από την αρχή ότι οι "επιχειρήσεις" θα ήταν σύντομες. Η Μέση Ανατολή βράζει από το 1947 που δημιουργήθηκε το Ισραήλ, με περιόδους έξαρσης το 1967 (πόλεμος των 6 ημερών) και το 1973 (πρώτο κάψιμο της Βηρυττού) και σήμερα έχει προαναγγελθεί ΟΛΙΚΗ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΟΦΗ του Λιβάνου.

Συζητώντας με φίλους πριν λίγες μέρες, στο ίδιο συμπέρασμα καταλήξαμε: Αυτό που πονάει τις ΗΠΑ είναι το μποϋκοτάζ των προϊόντων, π.χ. κόκα κόλα. Το ποτό αυτό δεν το βάζω στο στόμα μου, αλλά οι φίλοι με τους οποίους συνομιλούσα -και πρότειναν εκείνοι την ιδέα του μποϋκοτάζ- καταναλώνουν με μανία το ποτόν!

Ευχαρίστως να συμπράξω -συμπράττω ήδη- η αντίφαση όμως που μας διακρίνει ως λαό πιθανότατα να οδηγήσει σε αντίθετο αποτέλεσμα.

(θα συνεχίσω το σχόλιο σε επόμενο ποστ)